School for the Historic Art of Fencing
Thee Saint-Michaelsguild Gouda is a school for the Historical Art of Fencing. Building further on the tradition of the late medieval fencing master Johannes Liechtenauer, focusing on the instruction of weapons as the longsword, rapier, staff and dagger.
The Saint-Michaelsguild is the successor to the officially recognized Antwerp fencers' guild from 1488.
We are a lively contemporary organization with respect for its rich history and age-old traditions, which we give new life to in these modern times.
“Erschrickst du gerne, kein Fechten lerne”
“If your heart is too anxious, this art will certainly bring you sorrow”
About the Guild
​We are committed to the practice, preservation and transmission of the Historical Art of Fencing, also known as the Historical European Martial Arts.
We are committed to continuing and preserving the martial heritage, with all its customs, stories and symbols.
We believe that reliving the European martial tradition at its core is an added value for people, taking the historical sources and chivalric ideals as inspiration for contemporary guild life.
We believe that reliving the European martial tradition at its core is an added value for people, taking the historical sources and chivalric ideals as inspiration for contemporary guild life.

Each training is structured as follows:
I. Workout:
Practicing a martial art requires the necessary basic physical skills, such as strength, speed, mobility and endurance. Every workout is adapted and challenging for everyone's level.
II. Foundations:
In martial arts everything depends on the fundamentals. For this reason, we return to the basic principles in every lesson, paying attention to fundamentals such as cutting, footwork and posture.
III. Techniek:
Different level groups are provided for each member. This way you can always train at a level that suits you. Furthermore, the instructors are there to assist you with challenges.
IV. Sparring:
During sparring, the techniques practiced can be applied in a dynamic context. Only by applying it can you learn the martial art effectively. ​
As a Guild we focus on a personal approach, where we want to encourage the best in everyone.
The Martial Arts
The Historic European Martial Arts, also known as H.E.M.A.we try to convey in a meaningful way in these contemporary times. But what are they?
In short, they are disciplines of martial art that were developed on European territory from Antiquity to the Early Modern/New Period. These martial arts no longer have living traditions or masters, which means they rely heavily on historical sources, such as manuscripts, printed matter or archaeological artifacts. ​
As a Guild we focus on various masters from the late Middle Ages, within the German fencing tradition. We regard their surviving works as a guideline and inspiration to build up the martial art and make it a living tradition again.
The martial arts are a noble art that aim to forge the mind of the practitioner through the body. It creates the opportunity to develop the self through continued dedication in training.
Our vision of the Martial Art is therefore an Ars Gymnastica: an art that serves to enrich people on a physical and mental level.

Fencing hall
Kanaalstraat 31 (Goudse Waarden)
In cooperation with
​​​​​​HEMA-Bond Netherlands
Saint Michaelsguild Antwerp